Car Insurance – Why is it So Expensive and How Can I Lower It?

If you have an older car or a teenager, you might want to consider getting additional coverage for it. These extras increase the monthly insurance cost, but can be beneficial in some cases. Another way to lower your monthly insurance bill is by reviewing your policy. Some car insurance providers have safety ratings based on their own analyses of industry safety reports and data gathered from customer claims. These ratings can help you to lower your premiums by offering you discounts on your insurance if you drive a safer car.
Your age, driving history, and gender are all factors that affect your premium. However, you can still lower your rate by making the right choices. For example, you can call the car insurance company to discuss discounts you might qualify for. You can also compare quotes from different providers to see which one suits your needs best. Pay-as-you-drive programs may be a good option for you.
Another way to lower your premium is to drive less. More expensive car insurance is typically based on your driving record. Accidents with significant damage can raise your premium. Similarly, minor fender-benders do not significantly raise your insurance. Instead, make an effort to reduce your mileage by carpooling, biking, or taking public transportation. The less miles you drive, the lower your insurance premium will be.